generosity is our privilege
For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:21
Ways to Give
Each of you should give what you have decided in you heart to give, not reluctantly of under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:7
These questions are designed to help you live more courageously for Jesus. To move from money being an idol to experiencing the joy of generosity where money is a tool for God's kingdom. The journey focuses on the condition of our hearts, further transforming us into the likeness of Christ.
Generosity is a our privilege. Each step of the journey represents growth in a lifestyle of generosity and sacrifice.
At Reno Christian Fellowship we practice radical generosity for the support of Christ’s body, the church, and the good work to which we’ve been called in our community and throughout the world. Generosity is more than random acts of goodness; it’s the premeditated, designated sharing of personal financial assets.
Your support of our “General Fund” enables us to fulfill our mission as a church through ongoing ministries including weekend services, Kid's Ministry, Student Ministry, ministries to men and women throughout the week, care support, international mission partners and local partnerships with non-profits in our city addressing homelessness, sexual exploitation of the vulnerable, addictions, and child poverty.
Reno Christian Fellowship’s tax ID number for donation purposes is: 23-7186202. We value transparency in our stewardship of the resources that are shared to advance God’s work through RCF. For additional assistance or information, please email our Finance and HR Director at mmee@rcfnv.org.
"All tithe and offerings of any kind go to Reno Christian Fellowship’s general fund and are tax-deductible under section 170(c)(2). Your giving constitutes your agreement to relinquish control in accordance with IRS regulation."